Passion Powers Progress in Code!
Featured ProjectFitBingo Fitness Application
FitBingo is a fitness challenger App using Next.js, Prisma, and React Apexchart. It is designed in the format of a 5x5 bingo game. Users will be motivated to complete Bingo boards to receive reward points when they complete exercises and will be able to check their progress and achieve higher levels.
Featured ProjectThe Donut Company Application
A web app that allows a restaurant to communicate over SMS, with a client that has placed an order on the restaurant's store page. The restaurant owner is also able to update the order status page to allow the customer to know when the order is ready for pickup over SMS. Built with NodeJS, Express (RESTful routes), CSS, SASS, jQuery, PostgreSQL, Twilio for SMS
Featured ProjectInterview Scheduler Application
Interview Scheduler is a single-page application that allows users to book technical interviews between students and mentors. Built with React, axios, postgreSQL, and Express, and tested by Storybook, Cypress and Jest.
Featured ProjectLightBnB Application
A multi-page Airbnb clone that uses a server side Javascript to display the information from queries to web pages via SQL queries, search listings, create an account, create new properties, view your reservations and your listings.
Featured ProjectTweeter Application
A single-page Twitter clone built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX, where users can create short posts of up to 140 characters and have them appended to the main page.